Cleansing Diet is not Starvation
Nowadays cleansing diet is not that quite common, most people do not have the time to prepare healthy and nutritious food because they have been very busy with their work. Because of their hectic schedules, these people found a solution in food chains where they now tend to depend on when it comes to getting their daily meals. Aside from their business with work, the environment they live in is filled with toxins brought about by the increasing pollution in the water they drink, the air they breathe, and the places they work and live.If the human body will continue to ingest this torrent toxins, in due time, the body can no longer flush the toxins which will cause these harmful substances to mount up in the human body. This can lead to poisoning known as toxicity. Among the symptoms of toxicity includes headaches, fatigue, digestive imbalance, and joint pains.
To prevent the intoxication of the human body, experts always suggest practicing cleansing diet. This helps the body to detoxify and regain its natural balance. To give some healthy tips on detoxification, here are some tips:
You can first start your detoxification by stopping any intake of processed food and carbohydrates. These processed foods are rich in preservatives that can cause the increase of toxins in the body. According to the World Health Organization, processed foods are to be blamed for the unhealthy shape of the body known as obesity. Other diseases that are caused by the processed foods are cancer, diabetes, heart disease.
Second, eat raw, organic foods and vegetables. You can also make juice that is freshly squeezed from the fruit or any vegetables and not from bottled products. Raw foods and vegetables have greater quality and are more nutritious. People who eat raw and organic products tend to feel more energetic and reduce weight faster.
Thirds, you must stop eating meat, fish, and other dairy products. Other meat alternatives like tofu and beans as well must also be stopped. Research shows that eating too much meat may shorten the lifespan of a person. So, if you want to live longer, stop eating meat. People are only required to eat meat twice a year. Any more than this can cause the body toxins to increase.
Fourth, you have to remember that the cleansing diet is not starvation. If you are hungry you are not forbidden to eat. But make sure that you are eating according to your diet which is raw, fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. No meat, no processed foods, no dairy products.
If you like to eat something that is cooked, try eating brown rice. According to the Food Rating System, one cup of cooked brown rice provides 88 percent manganese. It is also an excellent source of selenium, and a good source for minerals like magnesium and tryptophan.If coming out of the diet, do not go back immediately to your usual eating habits. You start first by adding cooked foods gradually. After the transition to your usual eating habit, you are expected to eat more meat and processed foods. But you may not have the taste for them anymore after your week long cleansing diet.
Cleansing Diet
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