Dash Diet Plan | Stop Hypertension
The dash diet plan (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) has been proven to reduce blood pressure. The diet is recommended by numerous health organizations so your doctor will probably agree with this diet as well. The diet plan is said to help lower blood pressure in just 14 days. How it worksThe diet works by reducing your cholesterol levels. When this happens, you start to lose weight. Basically, you are to cut back on foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fat, sweets and red meats. The diet program plan benefits blood pressure and can greatly help you when it comes to maintaining good health. Aside from that, it has the advantage of not having any special foods required and you do not have to worry about hard to follow recipes. The idea of the diet centers on consuming less sodium and saturated fat and eating more healthy foods. Generally, the dash diet plan recommends a daily diet that includes 4-6 servings each of fruits and vegetables, 6-12 servings of whole grains, 2-4 servings of low or no fat dairy, 2-4 servings of fats and sugars and 1.5-2.5 servings of lean meats, fish and poultry. There should also be 3-6 servings of legumes, seeds or nuts to be served weekly. The amount of servings may vary depending on your caloric needs so it is best that you consult your nutritionist or dietician about this. Exercise tips and advice are provided according to your level of fitness and the fitness goals that you want to achieve. The diet plan was not made to be an intensive weight loss program but a lot of people have reported that they were able to lose 10 – 35 pounds in a few months under this diet. This is because the meals provided in this program are high in fiber and has low caloric density with just the right serving sizes to satisfy you. Who should take the dash diet planThe diet is recommended to those people who have high blood pressure or hypertension. Those who have pre-hypertension are also prescribed to take this diet. Pros - Greatly supported by medical experts
- Lowers your blood pressure
- Offers a very nutritional approach to eating
- Following this diet over time can help reduce the risks of having heart disease and stroke
Cons- Some people find this diet hard to sustain especially when it comes to eating more servings of certain food daily.
- May cause feeling of bloating and diarrhea
Dash Diet Plan
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