Diverticulitis diet
The Diverticulitis diet is a medical diet program made for those who are suffering from Diverticulitis. This diet is not meant to be a prevention or treatment to the illness but it helps you feel better while you are being treated with therapies and antibiotics.
About DiverculitisDiverculitis is a condition where the divericula which are small pouches that bulge outward in the weak spots of the colon, is infected or inflamed. If the divericula is left untreated then the condition can be very fatal. Patients who have this condition usually describe the experience as uncomfortable and very painful. Once an infection is suspected, the patient is put under the Diverticulitis diet.
This low residue diet only allows a consumption of 10 grams of fiber each day in order to let the infection heal and to let the inflammation subside. The diet also allows the digestive tract to rest while you are undergoing treatment.
Aside from following the diet, the patient should be taking a multivitamin pill. This is to supplement the vitamins and minerals that you will not be able to get from your diet.
How it worksThis type of diet allows your digestive tract to rest by limiting your food intake to clear liquids and adding low fiber foods slowly to your normal diet. This will give your digestive tract the time to heal.
What you should and should not eatWhile you arte on the Diverticulitis diet you are to eat refined carbohydrates that most diets would tell you to avoid such as rice, cereals, crackers, paste, noodles, canned fruits, white bread and many more. You can also consume well cooked meat, poultry and eggs. Vegetables must be well cooked, skinless and without seeds before they can be consumed in this diet.
The foods that you should avoid in this particular diet are cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, whole grains, dried fruits and nuts and seeds.
- The food choices on this type of diet is filled with comfort foods
- Following the diet results to alleviation of the symptoms of Diverticulitis
- Able to eat refined carbohydrates that are usually avoided in most diets
Cons- This type of diet is not so nutritionally sound due to its low fiber intake and restricted choices when it comes to vegetables
- No specific recommendations on exercise
- Can not be used as a long term diet program
Diverticulitis diet
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