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Just like other weight management programs, offers information on their programs and the “Jenny Direct.” The customers can compare the programs at a glance and membership levels. The existing Jenny Craig members will continue to appreciate the support offered in the site.
Aside from the weight loss program, the website also features free recipes, online store, a free menu planner, and success stories by their members. These features make each member feel that they are taken cared of by their chosen program. They are given the chance to avail various services. The website itself is attractive, easy to use and it is well-rounded. It can add more positive feedbacks coming from the members.
Other than free meal planner, provides several online tools like message board, chat-room, newsletter, and weight tracker. But you can only use these free tools if you sign up. You need to log in when you want to use any of these tools. The Jenny Craig programs are also involved in buying foods that are prepackaged. They also have advice and support from the counselors every week. None members can also order the “sample packages” of the food directly from the website.
The website creates a good complement to the programs of jenny Craig especially when you are already a member. If you consider of becoming a member, you can have the pint-form overview using the site. You can also ask questions if your need further information about the program. They have their Jenny Craig consultant to call you if you want to. does not just deliver these programs. They are also active advocates of their clients’ pursuit in changing their lifestyle for the better. They involved themselves with their clients because they believe in what they do and in their clients’ will to achieve their goals. Their key to a successful weight management is changing their way of behaving and stopping the bad had eating habits.
But Jenny Craig program is not just about losing weight. The most important aspect of them is the understanding why there is a need to lose weight for their clients. Many people tell them what to eat and what not to eat. But they are only good at saying it. They never help the dieter deal with their habits. This is what Jenny Craig program differs from the other weight loss programs.
With jenny Craig, they know that weight management is about the well-being of the person. It deals with self-esteem, health, confidence, energy, and enjoying life to the fullest. It doe not rely only to the will power alone for it to work on your diet. You know that good intentions and the will power is not enough. You need to know and evaluate yourself. You need to learn how to manage you weight by focusing on your nutrition, activity, eating habits, and a gradually changes in your behavior and perception. But you do not have to deprive yourself. Instead, reward yourself each time you achieve your goals.
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