Low Fat Recipes | Commiting Yourself

Preparing low fat recipes does not really imply that we have to sacrifice the flavor and taste of the food that we are eating. One can still enjoy the food that we love to eat by just doing some modifications to help you in selecting the preparation methods to accomplish such.

But which low fat diet and recipe is right for you? It is a fact that our body needs all the essential nutrients to operate and develop appropriately. Essential nutrients do include some fats so to supply our body the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K that it needs.

So how exactly do we go about that? Start a low fat diet and burn those calories. One should burn his calories more than his consumption. Why is this? Well, it is the unit of depth of the energy contained in the food that we consume. One calorie is equivalent to 1kcal or 1,000 calories. One’s daily minimum energy necessary for an individual varies from one person to another depending on their sexuality, body build, age and level of physical activity.

Below are a few guidelines to help you start up with your low fat diet and low fat recipes:

  • One should regulate one’s total calories, so to obtain and keep a healthy weight.
  • Select oils and fats with 2 grams or less saturated fat per tablespoon. Some of these fats comprise liquid and tub margarines, canola, soy bean, safflower, corn and olive oils.
  • Caloric needs and total fat intake should be regulated. Saturated fat consumption requires 7 percent of total calories while trans fat requires less than 1 percent of total calories, on a daily basis. Preferably, total fat consumption should be 30 percent calories, much better less.
  • Cholesterol requirement should be 30 mg per day.
  • Only purchase lean cuts of meat, skinless poultry and two fish servings to be added to your diet each week. Eating one meatless meal per week, even more is highly recommended. Oily fishes having omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.
  • Add whole-grain pastas, rice, cereals and bread which are less in saturated fat and more in fiber and other nutrients.
  • You should bake, steam, roast, boil or broil in preparing your food instead of frying them.
  • Add flavor to your cooking with the use of herbs and seasonings. Minimize using butter and rich sauces.
  • Always do the effort to love fruits and vegetables. You can have low fat cookies and cakes instead of delicious desserts high in fat. Frostings on cakes and sauces often conceal fat.

Commitment and determination to follow these guidelines will help you achieve your goal of reducing your weight but still able to stay healthy. Do follow your low fat recipes and you’ll be a healthy winner!

Low Fat Recipes
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