Low Sodium Diet | Healthy Tips

Low Sodium Diet is very much important to our health because too much sodium intake in our body can keephold of excess fluid. The excess fluid can collect in your hands, lungs, belly, and ankles. This is more likely to happen to patients with diseases in the heart, kidney, and liver.

But the low sodium diet can help you reduce the amount of sodium your body. This is another type of a healthy diet that specifically targets patients with heart, liver, and kidney diseases. Here are some tips on how you can reduce the sodium content in your body.

  • Try to eat more fresh foods. Fresh foods are rich in nutrients that your body needs.
  • You must eat less processed foods. Processed foods have preservatives in them. And sodium is one of the ingredients that the canned or preserved foods have.
  • Try not to use salt when you cook. Rather use the herbs and spices to add flavor in your foods when you are cooking and at the table. You do not need a salt for your food to taste good.
  • Eat the foods that have lower salt and sodium content like dried beans, peas, and legumes.
  • You can try a low sodium diet in your breakfast with an orange, a cup of cereal with skim milk on it, a coffee and a piece of toast with jelly on it.
  • For the meat and meat substitute you can choose fresh or frozen un-breaded meats, low sodium or natural peanut butter, unsalted nuts. But you have to limit the processed deli meats like pepperoni, bologna, and salami, sausage, bacon, hot dogs, and canned meats like Spams.
  • For the dairy products, you need to choose milk, yogurt, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and low sodium cheese. Lessen the food intake the following products: buttermilk, processed cheese spreads, and processed cheeses.
  • Try eating using the starches like, bagels, plain pasta, English muffins, noodles, rice, unsalted or low sodium snack foods but minimize eating the following: biscuits, prepared mixes like pancake and cornbread, seasoned rice, noodle, or potato mixes macaroni and cheese, and coating mixes like bread crumbs.
  • When you plan to cook dinner for your family, try to use reduced sodium canned soups and tomato sauces and homemade soups made with low sodium bouillon.
  • You need to drink a large quantity of fresh water. The water helps in assisting the body in a lot of ways assists the body in many ways, and can help to eliminate excess sodium.
  • You have to control your total calorie intake. You also need to have a balanced diet and a regular exercise. This is to maintain the circulation of your blood and always keep up your low sodium diet.
  • Be careful in taking medications with high content of sodium. You should not take medicines without the prescription of your attending physicians. This is for your own safety.
  • Most of all always maintain a healthy and a positive lifestyle.

Low Sodium Diet
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