Master Cleanse Diet | Lose Weight and Detoxify
The master cleanse diet is one of the most severe and popular cleansing diets that has been used for years to lose weight, detoxify and improve overall wellness of the body. The diet has gained much popularity after Beyonce Knowles revealed that she followed this diet for her role in the movie Dream Girls. About the dietMaster cleanse came from the mind of self taught healer Stanley Burroughs. It was introduced as a liquid diet created in the 1940s and he had a book published in 1976 about it. Burroughs believed that the cleansing diet is needed in the treatment of any illness. The diet has been used by those who want to detoxify their bodies from harmful toxins and chemicals. How it worksThe master cleanse diet is a tonic that is made of four simple ingredients: lemon juice, water, cayenne paper and maple syrup. This tonic is then consumed for the whole day – no other food and beverage is allowed. Each of the ingredients has their own purpose. The lemon juice will help the body detoxify. The maple syrup is the energy source and is used to add flavor as well to the tonic. And the cayenne pepper is added to give a boost to your metabolism. Lemons and maple syrup are also good sourced of vitamins and minerals. Six to twelve glasses a day should be taken for the tonic. This fast is considered intense and can be followed for a minimum of ten days to a maximum of 45 days. People can take this cleansing diet three to four times a year. Aside from the lemonade drink you can also take an herbal laxative and a salt water drink as part of your daily regimen under this diet. Exercise is not addressed in the master cleanse diet but considering that the energy intake is low then vigorous exercise should not be encouraged. You should take note that there are procedures that should be followed when it comes to breaking the fast. The first day after cleansing only orange juice is allowed. On day two, orange juice can be taken with vegetable soup. Day three vegetables, salads and fruits are allowed. Normal eating can be resumed on the fourth day. Pros - Rapid weight loss
- Increase in energy
- Skin tone improvement
- Clearer vision
Cons- No scientific and medical evidence
- Provides only short term weight loss solutions
- Can have adverse effects on the function of your organs, metabolism and digestion
- It has side effects that have been identified as headaches, insomnia, irritability and stomach irritation.
Master Cleanse Diet
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