Raw Diet | The Benefits

Raw diet means eating food that has not been processed and food preparations that has not been cooked. There are foods that can be eaten raw but there are also foods that are not for raw eating.

Food that can be eaten raw and fresh are fruits and vegetables, sprouts, seeds, grains and beans, dried fruits and seaweeds. Food that really needs to be cooked are fish, poultry, pork and beef.

Human beings have progressed to eat and survive on an extensive variety of diets. Like many other diets plans, this kind of diet is also grounded on some few concrete ideologies.

What are its benefits?

Health benefits of eating raw and practicing it in our diet includes:

  • Enhanced energy. The essential nutrients that we derive from eating fresh and raw foods are all natural and fresh that it refuels our energy full blast.
  • Better skin appearance. Fresh raw food are shun from preservatives and processing materials. It nourishes the skin with its fresh nutrients leaving it moist and smooth.
  • Better digestion. Because most fruits and vegetables that are fresh and natural is fiber rich. Fiber rich food promotes better digestion and aids in proper elimination.
  • Weight loss tool. A person on a raw food diet will easily cut down on their weight because there is less carbohydrates and fats that are consume when eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Reduced risk of coronary heart diseases. Raw diet contains lesser bad fats like trans fats and saturated fats. Fresh fruits and veggies also have low salt and elevated contents of potassium, magnesium, folate , fiber and phytochemicals from plants.

What are guidelines to follow in preparing raw food?

  • Eat only food that are preferably organic.
  • Do not endorse heat while preparing your diet menu. You can sprout, juice fruits, soak nuts and dried foods. You can also blend fruits with vegetables. Then you can also dehydrate your food.

What are its side effects and precautionary measures?

  • Some will experience mild headaches and nausea.
  • No raw food for children and for pregnant women.
  • People with anemia and osteoporosis.
  • Be aware that people with nutritional; deficiency .can occur in when eating raw diet. Nutritional deficiency may occur. Deficiency in calcium, Iron B12 and protein , and calories.

How do we prepare the food?

Preparing raw food needs more time and requires substantial planning to prepare for consumption. For instance, rice and grains needs to be soaked over night to require sprouting and to become digestible.

You can prepare a gourmet from raw food but calls for the assistance of a kitchen tool like the blender and food processor. Fruits can be made into juices by the use of a juicer and some food should be squeezed to dehydrate the food.

Freezing food is allowable even though freezing is thought to reduce enzyme activity.

One should be cautious in preparing raw food diet. The freshness and the safety of the food to be eaten should be a priority. This should be done to avoid food poisoning and food spoilage. Raw diet is a natural diet.

Raw Diet
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