Special K Diet | The Choice of Diet
The Special K diet is a type of diet that is not so difficult to follow. There are no food restrictions which, means you can eat all kinds of foods from snacks, coffee, fruits, and even alcohol. This type of diet you only get to eat two meals everyday. You can have it in either lunch or dinner. You can have the measured Special K with a skim milk and a normal meal. To give you an idea of the disadvantages and advantages of the Special K diet, here are some points that you can consider before deciding on this diet.
The Special K diet is very easy and simple to follow. You do not have to count your calorie intake. Since it has been practiced for so many years now, it is proven scientifically to be effective. A study revealed that 75 percent of its users said that it was really successful for them. Since you plan something for your breakfast, studies have shown that your concentration and memory is improved, the cholesterol level of your body lowers, and there is a tendency that you take in higher mineral and vitamins. Another study even revealed that those people who eat cereal during breakfast has lower body mass index.
On the other hand, this not solely based on whole grain. The whole grain is not a good source of fiber than fruits and vegetables. It is even suggested that to meet the fiber requirements, a dieter must eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and brown rice in other meals. This diet is boring because there is no variation of food intake. The nutrient intake is also compromised. Though cereal contains mineral and vitamins, it is questioned whether the vitamins and minerals that a dieter gets is enough supplement what the body needs.
Although you are to lose weight in this diet, you will encounter problems with hunger. Since this diet is high with sugar, it increases you appetite. But at the end of the diet, you easily go back your regular weight after the regular diet is resumed. But you may have noticed that almost all types of diets have its good and bad side. To determine whether it is effective or not is you because it is you who follow the diet. If you are going to evaluate all the diets, they are all the same. They promise you to lose weight and have a healthy lifestyle.
But you have to think that every person has his/her own diet to follow that not everyone can follow a certain diet. This may be useful to you but not to your sister and cousin. And the Special K diet maybe for you and not for your relatives. But first things first. You need to consult a dietician before doing any diet. You must undergo medical check ups and series of tests like urine and blood testing so that your dietician will know the best food for your diet and what not. After all, he/she knows your needs.
Special K Diet
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